8 July 2007

Time Flies

Well Tom has been home now for 4 weeks now and is due to leave again on Tuesday to go back up to Northern Quebec, Raglean. We have had a lot of dilemmas since he has been home and time has really flown on by. Firstly we were thinking of buying a new car. Which we still are looking around for but are finding that the car we want is very desirable by others and hard to come by. Secondly Lewie wanted to get a paper route, this has cause some discussion around is he really old enough. We decided that yes this responsibility will be good for him. Lastly we have been looking for a new house. Not that there is anything wrong with our current house. It is just that we are steadily outgrowing it and space is getting limited. Of course everything always happens toward the end of Tom's time home leaving it all very rushed and chaotic. Still it hasn't stopped us taking some time and sitting back and smelling the Lilacs. I know the saying involves Roses but mine are really not that spectacular. Not like the Lilacs. They have been really amazing this year attracting all kinds of wildlife to them. They smell absolutely fantastic. If only we had smell-o-vision. Anyways we will make the right decisions and we will try not to be rushed by time as it flies by.

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